Club Roles and Responsibilities
Officers and Board of Directors
President Walter Sommerfelt
Vice President Janis Flaherty Recording Secretary Cheryl Kienast Corresponding Secretary Erin Lonas Treasurer Jean Dinkins AKC Delegate Richella Veatch |
Board Members
Maggie Buzzard Elizabeth Williams Gregg Lonas Ashley Miller Caroline Hibbs Carol Sommerfelt |
Show Committee
Chair Carol Sommerfelt, Assistant Chair Janis Flaherty, Walter Sommerfelt
Judges Selection Committee
Chair Walter Sommerfelt, Janis Flaherty, Keith Bailey, Richella Veatch, Cheryl Kienast and Maggie Buzzard
Show Trophies
Chair Pat Symons, Assistant Lois Biedron
Vendor Chair
Chair Jean Dinkins, Assistant Quinto Burchi
Vendor Contract
Agility Trial Committee
Chair Richella Veatch, Jean Dinkins, Julie Haase, Joanna Loden, Ace Russell, Susie Stout, Kathy Villars
Obedience/Rally Committee
Jean Dinkins, Ace Russell, Carol C. Sommerfelt, Susie Stout, Jan Weaver, Gwen Weaver, Cheryl Kienast, Richella Veatch
Nominating Committee
Co-Chairs Maggie Buzzard & Carol Sommerfelt, Victor Smith, Tami Bradford, Amanda Skinner
Membership Chair
Gregg Lonas
Junior Showmanship
Tami Bradford
Fast CAT Chair
Amanda Skinner
Farm Dog
Gregg Lonas
Meet the Breeds
Chair Erin Lonas
Training Directors
Conformation/Puppy Kindergarten - Janis Flaherty
Agility/Obedience/Rally/STAR Puppy - Ace Russell
Sunshine Committee
Jean Dinkins - Please contact when you hear of members who are sick / hospitalized. Note: The club will send flowers in the event of the death of members or immediate family (parents, spouse, or child).
Webmaster: Erin Lonas - Contact with news, events, and web updates.
Club Awards: Jeanne Ringe
Programs: Maggie Buzzard
Chair Carol Sommerfelt, Assistant Chair Janis Flaherty, Walter Sommerfelt
Judges Selection Committee
Chair Walter Sommerfelt, Janis Flaherty, Keith Bailey, Richella Veatch, Cheryl Kienast and Maggie Buzzard
Show Trophies
Chair Pat Symons, Assistant Lois Biedron
Vendor Chair
Chair Jean Dinkins, Assistant Quinto Burchi
Vendor Contract
Agility Trial Committee
Chair Richella Veatch, Jean Dinkins, Julie Haase, Joanna Loden, Ace Russell, Susie Stout, Kathy Villars
Obedience/Rally Committee
Jean Dinkins, Ace Russell, Carol C. Sommerfelt, Susie Stout, Jan Weaver, Gwen Weaver, Cheryl Kienast, Richella Veatch
Nominating Committee
Co-Chairs Maggie Buzzard & Carol Sommerfelt, Victor Smith, Tami Bradford, Amanda Skinner
Membership Chair
Gregg Lonas
Junior Showmanship
Tami Bradford
Fast CAT Chair
Amanda Skinner
Farm Dog
Gregg Lonas
Meet the Breeds
Chair Erin Lonas
Training Directors
Conformation/Puppy Kindergarten - Janis Flaherty
Agility/Obedience/Rally/STAR Puppy - Ace Russell
Sunshine Committee
Jean Dinkins - Please contact when you hear of members who are sick / hospitalized. Note: The club will send flowers in the event of the death of members or immediate family (parents, spouse, or child).
Webmaster: Erin Lonas - Contact with news, events, and web updates.
Club Awards: Jeanne Ringe
Programs: Maggie Buzzard