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Black Russian TerrierIntelligent, Calm, Powerful
The Black Russian Terrier is a large, immensely powerful worker of heavy bone and coarse all-black coat. BRTs are known for their courage, confidence, and intelligence. Bred to guard and protect, they are naturally aloof with strangers. Breed Standard Black Russisan Terrier Club of America Opal Ridge |
Border CollieSmart, affectionate, energetic
A remarkably bright workaholic, the Border Collie is an amazing dog'maybe a bit too amazing for owners without the time, energy, or means to keep it occupied. These energetic dogs will settle down for cuddle time when the workday is done. Breed Standard Border Collie Society of America Focused Intensity Border Collies |
CollieGraceful, Devoted, Proud
The majestic Collie, thanks to a hundred years as a pop-culture star, is among the world’s most recognizable and beloved dog breeds. The full-coated “rough” Collie is the more familiar variety, but there is also a sleek “smooth” Collie. Breed Standard Collie Club of America AbbeyhiIl Collies (Rough & Smooth) |
DalmationDignified, Smart, Outgoing
The dignified Dalmatian, dogdom's citizen of the world, is famed for his spotted coat and unique job description. During their long history, these "coach dogs" have accompanied the horse-drawn rigs of nobles, gypsies, and firefighters. Breed Standard Dalmation Club of America Enchanted Hart Dalmations 706-371-7600 |
English SetterFriendly, Mellow, Merry
The English Setter is a medium-sized sporting dog of sweet temper and show-stopping good looks. It is one of the AKC’s four British setters created to work on the distinctly different terrains of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Breed Standard English Setter Association of America Bluestar English Setters |
Great DaneFriendly, Patient, Dependable
The easygoing Great Dane, the mighty “Apollo of Dogs,” is a total joy to live with—but owning a dog of such imposing size, weight, and strength is a commitment not to be entered into lightly. This breed is indeed great, but not a Dane. Breed Standard Great Dane Club of America Willow Bend Great Danes |
Manchester TerrierAgile, Spirited, Intelligent
The Manchester Terrier is named after the English city where it was first bred. Sleek, racy dogs who possess a terrier’s ratting instinct and the graceful contours of coursing hounds, Manchesters are spirited, bright, and athletic. They combine the streamlined grace of a coursing hound and the instincts of a fearless Rat Terrier. These racy dogs come in two size varieties: Toy (not exceeding 12 pounds) and Standard (not exceeding 22 pounds). Breed Standard American Manchester Terrier Club Lakeway Manchesters 865-484-0455 |
Miniature Bull TerrierUpbeat, Mischievous, Comical
In most every way the Miniature Bull Terrier is a Bull Terrier, only smaller. These upbeat, mischievous dogs come equipped with terrier fire and fearlessness. If ever a dog could claim the title “Clown Prince of Dogdom,” it’s the Mini. Breed Standard Miniature Bull Terrrier Club of America Willobend |
Miniature SchnauzerFriendly, Smart, Obedient
The Miniature Schnauzer, the smallest of the three Schnauzer breeds, is a generally healthy, long-lived, and low-shedding companion. Breed Standard The American Miniature Schnauzer Club Opal Ridge |
Norwich TerrierAffectionate, Alert, Curious
Norwich Terriers are plucky little earthdogs names for their hometown in England. The old cliché "a big dog in a small package" was coined for breeds like the Norwich, who can be oblivious to the fact that they are just 10 inches tall. Breed Standard Norwich Terrier Club of America Sea Lyric Norwich Terriers |
Pembroke Welsh CorgiAffectionate, Smart, Alert
Among the most agreeable of all small housedogs, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a strong, athletic, and lively little herder who is affectionate and companionable without being needy. They are one the world's most popular herding breeds. Breed Standard Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America Sua Mah Pembroke Welsh Corgis |
Shetland SheepdogPlayful, Energetic, Bright
The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, is an extremely intelligent, quick, and obedient herder from Scotland’s remote and rugged Shetland Islands. Shelties bear a strong family resemblance to their bigger cousin, the Collie. Breed Standard American Sheepdog Association Carlyle Shelties 865-250-3562 |
VizslaAffectionate, Gentle, Energetic
The Vizsla is a versatile, red-coated gundog built for long days in the field. For centuries, these rugged but elegant athletes have been the pride of Hungarian sportsmen and their popularity in America increases with each passing year. Breed Standard Vizsla Club of America Lorac Vizslas Top Stock Vizsla |
Welsh TerrierFriendly, Spirited, Intelligent
The Welsh Terrier is as alert and spirited as any self-respecting terrier, but a bit calmer than most—“game, not quarrelsome,” as breed fanciers say. The Welshman was bred to do battle with badgers, otters, and other dangerous opponents. Breed Standard Welsh Terrier Club of America |
WhippetAffectionate, Playful, Calm
The sleek, sweet-faced Whippet, the “Poor Man’s Racehorse,” is lightning quick. He is an amiable, dignified, and gentle soul, but give him something to chase and he’s all business. The name Whippet is synonymous with streamlined grace. Breed Standard The American Whippet Club Devereux Whipp |