Bernadine Luketich. |
What Breed or Breeds do you have, past or present? Shetland Sheepdogs
Are you an Active breeder? Yes
How long have you been active in the sport? 1989
What is your favorite competition/sport? Conformation
What other areas of competition interest you? Agility, Rally
How long have you been a member of the TKVC? 11 years
Do you compete in Owner Handler? No
How did you become interested in our sport? For many years I had been attracted to the world of dogs. When we lived in Milwaukee, I had a mix breed we owned groomed at Thistlerose Kennels, famous for their beautiful shelties. When it came time to select a breed, I was hooked on these beautiful, smart, family dogs. I was fortunate to have Eleanor Jolly, founder of Thistlerose, as a mentor.
Tell us about your most memorable moment in our sport? When I finished my first home bred Champion which was co-bred with Thistlerose Kennels, Thistlerose Carlyle Lacy and from this Carlyle Shelties,reg. was born.
What is it that attracted you to the TVKC? The support of the many venues in the dog world. Opportunity to mix with breeders of many different breeds
What do you like most about being a member of TVKC? Having the opportunity to explore the many facets of dogs and learn from other members. The many educational and training programs offered. The shows provided for the exhibitors and the public.
Do you think TVKC meets your needs as a member? If not what areas would you like to see improvements in? yes
How do your dogs impact your life? At home they are our family, in the world of dogs they offer opportunity to share in sports together and meet wonderful people and other dogs. Through the Therapy Dog programs, we have the opportunity to share our wonderful friends with our community and bring smiles to many faces.
Are you an Active breeder? Yes
How long have you been active in the sport? 1989
What is your favorite competition/sport? Conformation
What other areas of competition interest you? Agility, Rally
How long have you been a member of the TKVC? 11 years
Do you compete in Owner Handler? No
How did you become interested in our sport? For many years I had been attracted to the world of dogs. When we lived in Milwaukee, I had a mix breed we owned groomed at Thistlerose Kennels, famous for their beautiful shelties. When it came time to select a breed, I was hooked on these beautiful, smart, family dogs. I was fortunate to have Eleanor Jolly, founder of Thistlerose, as a mentor.
Tell us about your most memorable moment in our sport? When I finished my first home bred Champion which was co-bred with Thistlerose Kennels, Thistlerose Carlyle Lacy and from this Carlyle Shelties,reg. was born.
What is it that attracted you to the TVKC? The support of the many venues in the dog world. Opportunity to mix with breeders of many different breeds
What do you like most about being a member of TVKC? Having the opportunity to explore the many facets of dogs and learn from other members. The many educational and training programs offered. The shows provided for the exhibitors and the public.
Do you think TVKC meets your needs as a member? If not what areas would you like to see improvements in? yes
How do your dogs impact your life? At home they are our family, in the world of dogs they offer opportunity to share in sports together and meet wonderful people and other dogs. Through the Therapy Dog programs, we have the opportunity to share our wonderful friends with our community and bring smiles to many faces.