Donna Ernst. |
What Breed or Breeds do you have, past or present? Golden Retriever and Smooth Fox Terriers
Are you an Active breeder? Yes
How long have you been active in the sport? 40 + years
How long have you been a member of the TKVC? 2 years
Do you compete in Owner Handler? No
How did you become interested in our sport? Been watching dog shows since I was a young girl.
Tell us about your most memorable moment in our sport? So many! Winning classes at our Golden National which have over 3000 dogs and class have 60-70 in each class.
Taking RWB at Montgomery with my Smooth Fox Terrier and winning BOS with her mother!
What is it that attracted you to the TVKC? I moved here from Ohio and have always been involved in all breed clubs to support them.
What do you like most about being a member of TVKC? Great Speakers and Educational.
Are you an Active breeder? Yes
How long have you been active in the sport? 40 + years
How long have you been a member of the TKVC? 2 years
Do you compete in Owner Handler? No
How did you become interested in our sport? Been watching dog shows since I was a young girl.
Tell us about your most memorable moment in our sport? So many! Winning classes at our Golden National which have over 3000 dogs and class have 60-70 in each class.
Taking RWB at Montgomery with my Smooth Fox Terrier and winning BOS with her mother!
What is it that attracted you to the TVKC? I moved here from Ohio and have always been involved in all breed clubs to support them.
What do you like most about being a member of TVKC? Great Speakers and Educational.