Jean Dinkins. |
What Breed or Breeds do you have, past or present? Old English Sheepdog, St. Bernard, Great Dane, Miniature Bull Terrier
Are you an Active breeder? No
How long have you been active in the sport? 40 years
What is your favorite competition/sport? Conformation
How long have you been a member of the TKVC? February 1985
Do you compete in Owner Handler? Yes
How did you become interested in our sport? Starting going to shows with a friend that had St. Bernard's and helping her.
Tell us about your most memorable moment in our sport? Had a lot but winning the Great Dane Club of the Mid-South Specialty in the 80's by beating the number one and top winning dane of all time at that time who also happened to be her littler mate.
What is it that attracted you to the TVKC? Shared interests with others and love of dogs.
What do you like most about being a member of TVKC? I have enjoyed being the Treasurer of the club for several years. Also meeting new folks and making new friends.
Do you think TVKC meets your needs as a member? Yes.
How do your dogs impact your life? They add joy and companionship to my life.
Is there anything that you would like to share? I raised and showed Great Danes for forty years and really miss that breed. Get a little dog they said. It will be fun they said. So I ended up with a Miniature Bull Terrier. He has been a joy and a challenge. Not for the faint-hearted!
Are you an Active breeder? No
How long have you been active in the sport? 40 years
What is your favorite competition/sport? Conformation
How long have you been a member of the TKVC? February 1985
Do you compete in Owner Handler? Yes
How did you become interested in our sport? Starting going to shows with a friend that had St. Bernard's and helping her.
Tell us about your most memorable moment in our sport? Had a lot but winning the Great Dane Club of the Mid-South Specialty in the 80's by beating the number one and top winning dane of all time at that time who also happened to be her littler mate.
What is it that attracted you to the TVKC? Shared interests with others and love of dogs.
What do you like most about being a member of TVKC? I have enjoyed being the Treasurer of the club for several years. Also meeting new folks and making new friends.
Do you think TVKC meets your needs as a member? Yes.
How do your dogs impact your life? They add joy and companionship to my life.
Is there anything that you would like to share? I raised and showed Great Danes for forty years and really miss that breed. Get a little dog they said. It will be fun they said. So I ended up with a Miniature Bull Terrier. He has been a joy and a challenge. Not for the faint-hearted!